Saturday, May 31, 2008

Going home in 16 days

Before I begin with Saint Patrick’s Day Part 3, I’ve got a few other things on my mind.

I’m coming home in 16 days… I think this is the most mixed feelings I’ve ever had about anything – in fact it might redefine my view on what having mixed feelings even means.

I’m glad to be coming home. I miss my friends, my family and the familiarity of being home… I was up working on some writing a few mornings ago and actually went onto UofA’s website and watched the sunrise over the campus via their webcam. Seriously? Who does that? Well, me…

These 5 ½ months are very rapidly coming to an end… which is just so weird – in my very first post I was writing the night before leaving about how it felt like it was never going to happen – like I couldn’t possibly imagine what England was REALLY like.

It’s a place. Everywhere is just a place. But before I came over here I really expected it to be like another world. People live here, people work here – people are people here. People are still people everywhere. Big cities are big cities anywhere on the planet, which really first hit me as a belief and a knowledge in Edinburgh as I walked past a construction yard, graffiti and a traffic jam.

I’ve made friends here. It’s not the culture, the food, the fact that you can go to a pub at 11am after a big test and find your entire class in there - it’s not any of that I’m REALLY sad about leaving – it’s the friends I’ve made. THAT’S what I don’t feel ready to leave… because in all reality, I’m never going to see most of these people again.

I guess that’s all I have to say on that… I've started working on the next installment to Saint Patrick's Day but am not in the creative writing flow right now. It'll be up soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fought back the urge to write something really selfish, like "Well, I'm your friend too and you should miss me more," but I would never immortalize something that immature.

I'm sorry, Dave. Good friends are the hardest to be apart from. Shit friends, well, that's easy. I'm sure they're going to miss you like crazy too, you damn dirty Yank.